80's Baby #018
Image of 80's Baby #018
Asset ID


Media Size

3188 * 4500 px



80'S BABY COLLECTION - #018 "TSUBAKI" TSUBAKI comes from Hokkaido and loves the island's cold weather. Her parents own an oden restaurant in Sapporo, and she sometimes works there as a waitress. TSUBAKI is actually a fantastic cook and wants to become a chef just like her father. However, her family wants her to become a doctor. Will she be able to make her dream come true ? Let's cheer her up ! + + + I was born in the 80's, and always feel very nostalgic whenever I think of that period of my life. Of course because I was a child, but also because I had the impression people were happier back then. In Japan, the economy was doing great. And everything, from music to anime, was so creative and refreshing. I decided to create a collection named "80's Baby" to pay homage to that era. Sometimes, I wish I was an adult in the 80's. Just to enjoy driving a car while listening to Japanese idols music. Size 3188 x 4500 Sketch available in the external link

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