AFRO WARS 41- Lord Ozamunde
Image of AFRO WARS 41- Lord Ozamunde
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Ozamunde, another esteemed Shatari lord, is a figure of wisdom and diplomacy within the tranquil realm of the elephantine Shatar people. Unlike the brashness of some, Ozamunde is known for his measured counsel and calm demeanor, often serving as a voice of reason during times of internal deliberation. His immense knowledge of the Wild Desert's secrets, its hidden oases, and the ancient traditions of the Shatar makes him a revered elder among his people. Yet, when the call to action resonates, Ozamunde's unwavering dedication to preserving the peace and freedom of the Wild Desert is as fierce as a sandstorm, and he stands ready to support Lord Jova in the perilous quest to rescue his abducted daughter, for the unity of Varbassa and the Shatar people alike.

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