Platinum Astro is an innovative utility NFT and artwork from HEADLINE INC. The upcoming decentralized exchange, HDX, will be hard coded with the Platinum Astro ASA #. HDX users who hold the Platinum Astro NFT (the Infinity Key) will never pay swapping fees again, With Platinum Astro, HEADLINE is building on previous blockchain technology developed by HEADLINE: AlgoCloud's ASA secure login, AlgoGlyph's encryption, and FT staking utility via Algo Astros and FORUM Astros. The HDX decentralized exchange is live on private TestNet. Unsold Platinum Astro NFTs will continue increasing in price the closer we get to production HDX. HDX will be the first DeFi application on AlgoCloud, a POS DeFi and analytics platform built by HEADLINE.


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Image of Platinum Astro