An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
An image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
Froggy Personality Collection: Froggy interpretation of famous people.
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Image of Ice Cubed Bill Clinton
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William J Clinton (Bill Clinton) is an American politician from Arkansas who served as the 42nd President of the United States (1993-2001). He took office at the end of the Cold War, and was the first baby-boomer generation President. He could point to the lowest unemployment rate in modern times, lowest inflation in 30 years, & highest home ownership in the country’s history.

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